There's a concept that "time flows from the future to the present, and then to the past." Let's explore new ways to face yourself from this perspective:
Your current worries and anxieties might be gifts for your future self to grow. Try to imagine what kind of learning and strength this experience might bring.
At this very moment, you are breathing and alive. This fact alone holds wonderful possibilities. Take a deep breath and cherish this moment.
While past events cannot be changed, your interpretation of them can. Try to accept your past experiences as important parts that have shaped you.
Try writing a letter from your future self to your present self. What words would you like to say? They are likely the words that your current self truly needs.
Big changes start with small steps. Today, try to take one action, no matter how small, towards your future self.
At the end of the day, think of one good thing that happened today. It might be a small gift from the future.
Remember: You are constantly changing and growing. The current situation is not eternal. Your future self will surely be proud of your present self. Let's move forward step by step towards that future.
覚えておいてください: あなたは常に変化し、成長し続けています。今の状況は永遠ではありません。未来のあなたは、今のあなたを誇りに思うはずです。その未来に向かって、一歩ずつ進んでいきましょう。